A Carefree August Morning - Fort Wayne, Indiana Wedding and Portrait Photographer Morgan Ruth Photography

When my son was first born I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch nursing.  I remember one day my husband came home from work and asked how my day had gone and I responded with a screenshot of my Medela app which showed I had spent 5 hours and 23 minutes nursing that day. Yes, really.  My twins are 3 and very busy, which I think is normal for any 3 year old.  They get bored with something quickly and it is not uncommon for them to move through a dozen activities within a given hour.  So anyway, one of those long afternoons I was sitting and nursing Elston when I saw on Facebook someone was selling a child sized inflatable bounce house for a really fantastic price...I literally jumped out of my couch and into my car and went to pick it up.  I thought "This is it!  THIS is how I am going to survive this summer with an infant and 3 year old twins!"  


I was right, the bounce house became one of their favorite things to do, in 10 minute intervals of course, and don't you dare turn it off when they haven't been in it for a while.  They will mad dash right back into it while throwing a classic 3 year old hissy fit.  Almost like when my dad would fall asleep on the couch at night and my mom would change the channel...since clearly he wasn't watching.  (Love ya Dad!)  The bounce house has come in so handy during play dates, cook outs, when we are trying to make them tired, when we are trying to kill time and most importantly...when I'm wrapped up taking care of the baby.  I whole heartedly think that every household needs a bounce house!


Gonna get sappy.  I can't help but get teary eyed when I look through these photos.  Not because they look so big (but really, look at them!) but because they look SO happy.  They have zero cares.  Me..right now...I quite literally have a notebook filled with things that need to get done this week.  Ranging from feeding the dogs to blogging and editing, grocery shopping, cleaning or grading my students work all the way to what time I need to go to bed so that I can assure myself at least a couple hours of uninterrupted rest. (Can I get an amen from all you mommas out there?)  My stress level is sky high...but these girls, they have no cares.  All they can think about is how high they can jump, how far they can dive, when they can have a popsicle and what their excuse for not going to bed is going to be tonight.  I wish I could go back and be so free, just like them.


I guess maybe I should have mentioned it sooner...but like I mentioned in a previous post, I don't dress them anymore.  Most of the time their shirt is backwards or their shorts are on backwards...not sure how that is very comfortable but..sure whatever.  But Camille's signature outfit is a tu-tu.  If she comes across one in the house somewhere she will instantly rip her clothes off and put that tu tu on.  I'm on a black and white kick right now, but the tu tu on this specific day was a purple glittery tu tu...which is actually Amalee's.  I'll let you imagine the argument that ensued when Amalee saw her sister wearing her dress.  


Summer is coming to a close.  September is going to be here before we know it.  Every day I think to myself "How on earth has time gone so fast?"  In the blink of an eye we will be celebrating Elston's 1st birthday followed by the girls 4th birthday just weeks later.  I just want to hit pause and soak up all these hugs, kisses and giggles, but I can't, so pictures are the closest thing I have.